You need to make a payment via Bank Transfer/ FPX Payment Gateway / TnG / Paypal
Partial Status is when we partially refund the remains of an order. Sometimes for some reasons we are unable to deliver a full order, so we refund you the remaining undelivered amount. Example: You bought an order with quantity 10 000 and charges RM100, let's say we delivered 9 000 and the remaining 1 000 we couldn't deliver, then we will \"Partial\" the order and refund you the remaining 1 000 (RM10 in this example).
Currently, we can accept minimum 100 per order, and total maximum 500 followers per account.
You can't do multiple order with same link/username otherwise the order will be cancelled or completed (burn).
Drip Feed is a service that we are offering so you would be able to put the same order multiple times automatically.



Runs: 10

Interval: 30

This will send 100 likes on your post every 30 minutes, in total you will recieve 1000 likes. Never order more quantity than the maximum which is written on the service name (Quantity x Runs), Example if the service's max is 4000, you don’t put Quantity: 500 and Run: 10, because total quantity will be 500x10 = 5000 which is bigger than the service max (4000). Also never put the Interval below the actual start time (some services need 60 minutes to start, don’t put Interval less than the service start time or it will cause a fail in your order).

MINIMUM INTERVAL SHOULD BE AT LEAST 4 TIMES THE START TIME. We will not refund any orders that has not follow this rule.
Instagram Mention is when you mention someone on Instagram (example @abcde this means you have mentioned abcde under this post and abcde will receive a notification to check the post).

Basically the Instagram Mentions [User Followers], you put the link of your post, and the username of the person that you want us to mention HIS FOLLOWERS!
Impression means reach (also how many users have seen your post) it is mostly used with brands, they will ask you to show them statistic of the impressions your posts have.
After user goes live, or just 1 second before user goes live!
Instagram Saves is when a user saves a post to his history on Instagram (by pressing the save button near the like button). A lot of saves for a post increase its impression.